Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chapter 6: Drew's Confrontation

My dads words hit me hard. I just lie in bed all day with the lights off. I don't bother to do my hair or makeup; or even wear day-clothes. Drew's worried. He's scared. He doesn't tell me, but I can see it.

I haven't spoken much since my father's "encounter." It hurts to think that he never bothered to call and say "Hey I got Ella pregnant." or "You're going to be a sister!" Or even most importantly: "Ella's dead. So I'm coming to see you and try to get back together with your mom because I'm a selfish man-whore."

My piano was my new best friend. Or my only friend, in other words. Drew always asked me if I wanted to talk but he never asked why I was being so emotional and silent. He still cuddles me when I sleep; he pets my hair and tells me everything's going to be okay. He doesn't even know why I'm like this.

To top this all off: I'm pregnant.

I was checking the mail one day and felt the familiar morning sickness. Later that day my pee-stick had a little pink plus-sign.

A selfish dad, a husband I'm barely talking to, and a baby growing inside of me. My life is just awesome.


"Belle, honey...." Drew tells me. "How are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Drew I don't think I --" My voice cracked.

"You don't have to. But I'm here whenever you need to."

"Why aren't you so eager to know?" This question had been in my mind since I first came home from seeing my "dad." He never directly asked me.

He thought for a minute. "Because I love you. And I shouldn't push you to tell me; you should just tell me when you want to."

I want to tell him. I really do. I just don't want him to see me cry.

I figured I should. I can't hide this from him. "My -- My dad came to visit me." I could feel my throat swell up.

He had a moment of silence. "Oh...." Drew had the weirdest look in his eyes. I don't know how to explain it.

"He told me a -- about --" I paused for a moment. I felt as if my ability to talk disappeared.

He waited for me.

"Drew he had a kid with Ella a -- and --" I choked on my tears. "She already had a kid and Ella died while driving drunk and her daughter --"

"I understand." He said. "It's going to be okay."

"He's going to try to get back together with my mom."

"Honey you'll be fine." He comforted me. "You have me and a beautiful son. You can't let this have a huge impact on your life."

I looked into his eyes. "Actually.... We don't just have one child."

"What?" Then I saw his eyes widen in excitement. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, Drew." I told him. "I figured out a few days ago." I smiled. I smiled.

"Belle that's great!" He was beyond excited. It was like this whole thing never happened.

I loved this feeling.


Later that night I looked into the mirror. Drew was right; this impacted me too much. I didn't look recognizable anymore.

I was changing; so was my life.

Then something struck me: I can't just ignore my siblings. I have to meet them. I can't be the sister who never talks to the "family."

I was going to meet Vanessa and Seth. Soon.


Update my forum. I demand it. c:<

Clickity Click Click.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chapter 5: Time After Time

Okay, I can admit I'm not the best at posting regularly. You see I have school, chores, homework, dinner to make & eat, & my week-daily run. Plus every night we have a "No-Electronics-Hour" at 8:30 to 9:30. Then bed. Also I just got my spacers in my teeth, so I'm in a lot of pain. >.>

Now I'm just complaining. I know I've probably said this before but I do want to post more often. It's my goal. I've been setting lots of goals lately.... This one I'm going to try really hard to succeed. For you guys. ♥

Sorry for my rambling. Enjoy the chapter. c:

*Drew's Perspective*

I wouldn't be lying if I said that I was lucky. Or if I said that nothing could make me happier. But every day gets better, I don't know how.

Mitchell wasn't one of those kids who stuck to one parent, like I did. He would have his play-sessions with me every day before and after work. And between those times he clung to Belle like he had clung to me. Even my days off were like this.

It was that one day, that day I could remember perfectly. Belle and Mitchell were playing in his room and the bell rang.

"Honey, could you get that?" Belle called and giggled.

"You're so bossy." I called back, joking.

It was a man, just a little taller than me. He wore the face of a rich-man and the suit of an over-achiever. With a first glance I thought he was trying to sell me something. But who would go all the way across town to sell something to one house? Nobody lived around us.

"Hello, son." His voice was deep and he shook my hand. His grip was hard. "Is this the residence of Belle Chance?"

"Who's asking?"

"Her father." At that moment all of my emotions mixed into a pool of anger and surprise. This man tore apart my wife.

"Don't bother stopping by again." I say, anger in my voice. "You have no business in seeing her."

"I understand." And he left, just like that.

Of course I played it cool, what was I suppose to tell her? "Hey, remember your dad? Well he stopped by earlier today and wanted to beg for your forgiveness. Crazy, right?"

I figured it'd be best not to tell her, no matter how much it killed me. That man doesn't need to ruin her life.... Again. Plus; Mitchell's birthday is coming up. She doesn't need a distraction.


*Belle's Perspective*

Before I knew it my son was becoming a child. He's going to go to school and make friends and.... Oh god. Meet girls. Can elementary boys like girls? I hope not.

I guess I shouldn't be speaking. Pregnancy and marriage at 18 doesn't make me the best role-model.

I mean just LOOK AT HIM. He's so handsome. Me and Drew make cute children, maybe this'll happen again one day. One day.

To top that all off, me and Drew are closer than we have ever been. Who knew an accidental pregnancy could bring me to my soul-mate? All the signs say that we're meant to be. It's a dream come true.

"You miss it, don't you?" He asked me one night.


"The 'baby-scene.'" He said. Drew closed his book and set it next to the bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. I was suddenly interested in our conversation.

He looked up. "You know, taking care of toddlers? I can tell."

"Well yeah but -- I don't see --" I didn't know what else to say.

"I do too." I couldn't say I was shocked, just.... I don't know what the word is.

"Drew, what are you saying?" I couldn't help but smile a little bit. I could see it in his eyes but I wanted him to say it.

"I'm saying that maybe.... Maybe we should.... If you want...."

"Of course I want to."

"Really?" He took me in his arms and gazed into my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I?" I say. "There's no better man to have children with than you." He smiled at my comment.

I continued. "So, my Prince, when shall we conceive our dear child?"

"How about now?"

"Now?" I looked up. "Are you sure?"

He threw his shirt on the floor. "I don't think you're going to get that back." I teased. "And won't you get cold?"

"It doesn't matter. I have someone to keep me warm."

And then we showed each other how much we loved each other. Physically, anyway. We've done this many times, you could say our practice payed off.


Apparently the town school had gotten school uniforms since we graduated. So Mitchell wore the same clothes every day, which absolutely disgusts me. Whether we washed them every day or not. We did, by the way.

A little after Mitchell had left for school that day, I got a call. It was from a number that I didn't know. Being as absent-minded as I am, I answered it.

"Hello?" I calmly said.

"Is this Belle Chance?" It was a man. He had a deep voice. A deep recognizable voice.

"Um.... yeah? Who is this?"

"This is your father." I felt like crying. I felt like falling dying in an ocean of my own tears.


"This isn't a conversation we need to have over the phone." He tells me. "Meet me somewhere. Central Park?"

I remained silent. I couldn't believe it.

"Please understand. If you're not there by 6 tonight, I'll know why." Then he hung up the phone.

I decided I would go. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? He can't tear me up more than he already has. And acknowledging my family is a way of telling him I can be happy without him.

On my way out the door, I passed Drew. I couldn't tell him where I was going; Even though he loves me, he'd still forbid it. "Where are you going, babe?" He asked on my way out.

"Just getting some.... Uhm...." I hated lying to him. "Just getting groceries. I'll be home in a couple of hours. The cheap stuff is across town, you know."

"Be safe." He said, and kissed my forehead.

As soon as I got there, I regretted coming. But he spotted me before I could leave. He didn't really look that different; he just had signs of aging. I wasn't surprised to see that he's still wearing his suits. I guess he's still working at the office. Must be running it by now.

"Belle?" He said to me. "It's me, your dad."

"Oh...." I managed to say. "Hi."

"We should sit down." And we did.

"So, how have you been?" He asked. As if nothing happened. As if he never abandoned me with my mother. Father of the decade, you are. I thought to myself.

"Don't do that." I tell him. "Don't sugarcoat your disappearance."

"Belle --"

"No. Let me say what I have to say." I interrupted. "You left me when I was 9 years old. 9. After that, mom just grew careless! So I basically taking care of myself for 9 years. Also, because you left, I grew anti-social and unprepared for anything. I went through a pregnancy and marriage at 18." His facial expression was horrid. "But I should thank you. Thank you, for leaving. Because of that I've met the man of my dreams and I have a son I couldn't love more."

He was silent for a while. I thought about just leaving.

Then he finally spoke. "You don't understand why I left."

"I don't have to. I --"

"I left because Ella made me happier than your mother did."

"Then where is she now?" I never thought I could ever be defiant against him.

"I -- I was wrong." He admitted. "Your mothers heart is the only place for me."

"I was confused!" He continued. "You can't expect me to choose between my wife, of 13 years, and the girl who I thought made me happiest man alive. I couldn't let her pass by." He stopped talking. He couldn't be done, there had to be more.

"Is -- Is that all?"

"No." He sighed. "Me and Ella.... I don't know how to say this." My dad looked into my eyes. "You have a step-brother. He just started high school. Just turned 15."

I couldn't look at him anymore. I didn't cry, I wasn't even close. I wasn't sad. Just angry.

"And Ella...." He said. "She had a daughter before we moved in together. She's a few years younger than you." I didn't understand what he was saying. "Ella -- She wasn't exactly the best mother. She had an alcohol problem. One night -- One night she...." I could sense the tears filling his eyes. "She got in a car accident while driving drunk. The kids were home with me and --"

"You don't have to go on. I understand." He had full custody of my brother. "What about her daughter? What happened to her?"

"Vanessa's old enough to live on her own. But she's staying with me and Seth until she finds her own place."


There are no words to explain how I feel.

I walked into the kitchen like a dead person to find Drew in there. "Hey, where are the groceries?" He asked. "Are you okay?"

I just walked into our room and fell on our bed. I just cried. For the rest of the day. All night. And the next day.