Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chapter 6: Drew's Confrontation

My dads words hit me hard. I just lie in bed all day with the lights off. I don't bother to do my hair or makeup; or even wear day-clothes. Drew's worried. He's scared. He doesn't tell me, but I can see it.

I haven't spoken much since my father's "encounter." It hurts to think that he never bothered to call and say "Hey I got Ella pregnant." or "You're going to be a sister!" Or even most importantly: "Ella's dead. So I'm coming to see you and try to get back together with your mom because I'm a selfish man-whore."

My piano was my new best friend. Or my only friend, in other words. Drew always asked me if I wanted to talk but he never asked why I was being so emotional and silent. He still cuddles me when I sleep; he pets my hair and tells me everything's going to be okay. He doesn't even know why I'm like this.

To top this all off: I'm pregnant.

I was checking the mail one day and felt the familiar morning sickness. Later that day my pee-stick had a little pink plus-sign.

A selfish dad, a husband I'm barely talking to, and a baby growing inside of me. My life is just awesome.


"Belle, honey...." Drew tells me. "How are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Drew I don't think I --" My voice cracked.

"You don't have to. But I'm here whenever you need to."

"Why aren't you so eager to know?" This question had been in my mind since I first came home from seeing my "dad." He never directly asked me.

He thought for a minute. "Because I love you. And I shouldn't push you to tell me; you should just tell me when you want to."

I want to tell him. I really do. I just don't want him to see me cry.

I figured I should. I can't hide this from him. "My -- My dad came to visit me." I could feel my throat swell up.

He had a moment of silence. "Oh...." Drew had the weirdest look in his eyes. I don't know how to explain it.

"He told me a -- about --" I paused for a moment. I felt as if my ability to talk disappeared.

He waited for me.

"Drew he had a kid with Ella a -- and --" I choked on my tears. "She already had a kid and Ella died while driving drunk and her daughter --"

"I understand." He said. "It's going to be okay."

"He's going to try to get back together with my mom."

"Honey you'll be fine." He comforted me. "You have me and a beautiful son. You can't let this have a huge impact on your life."

I looked into his eyes. "Actually.... We don't just have one child."

"What?" Then I saw his eyes widen in excitement. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, Drew." I told him. "I figured out a few days ago." I smiled. I smiled.

"Belle that's great!" He was beyond excited. It was like this whole thing never happened.

I loved this feeling.


Later that night I looked into the mirror. Drew was right; this impacted me too much. I didn't look recognizable anymore.

I was changing; so was my life.

Then something struck me: I can't just ignore my siblings. I have to meet them. I can't be the sister who never talks to the "family."

I was going to meet Vanessa and Seth. Soon.


Update my forum. I demand it. c:<

Clickity Click Click.


  1. Amazing chapter! :) Belle is looking beautiful. :) I can't wait to see the baby.

  2. I really like her new look :) she looks good either way but natural is just breath taking. Can't wait for the next chapter.
