Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The End.

This legacy.... It's just not working for me. I mean, I love Belle & Drew & everybody else. But it's not really "working." This is the end of An Enemy of Love. It just doesn't suit me anymore & I don't like where the story is heading. I might do another legacy ot Sims story in the near future, so don't unfollow this blog. Once -- or if I do, I will post the link on this page. I'm so sorry. I love each & every one of you. Sorry for failing you. This is the end of An Enemy of Love. Goodbye. <3

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chapter 9: Girl's Night?

"You called me out here, to party!?" I yell. "What kind of a person does that?"

"I just wanted to bond," Vanessa starts. "Geez, calm down."

"I was scared out of my mind, Vanessa. I thought somebody was hurt."

Let me do a recap: Vanessa called me this morning telling me that somebody was hurt & in the hospital. I showed up to find her and her 2 friends waiting for me so we can go out and party.

She gave her friends a "What the hell is going on?" look. I can't believe how insincere she's being right now. You can't just call somebody over and lie, then expect them to forgive you right away and run off to get drunk and stoned.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just wanted some sisterly bonding time."

I was a bit flattered, actually. I barely knew Vanessa, but I kind of don't want her on my bad side. I mean, we're practically sisters.

"Just promise me you won't do it again," I say.

"Anything to stay on your good side." She shot me a wink.

"Where are we going anyways?"

"That's not important right now." She starts. "Right now, you are going to get a makeover. And I know the perfect place."

I hate makeovers.


"We want something kind of.... Wild. Ready to party." Vanessa tells the stylist. "Can you do that?"
"I'll see what I can do." The stylist responds. I admit I was scared. What if they made me look like a whore?

(See that sexy friend of Vanessa's in the background? That's my simself.) ;3

I felt like I had no choice now, I was already standing on the makeover platform. "Do I really have to do this?"

Her and her friends respond in unison. "Yes!"

Vanessa speaks up by herself. "We have to make it look like you're not a mom, Belle. You need to be hot."

As offended as I was, I thought it was best I said nothing.

We tried on various outfits until we found the right one. I didn't look proper, gothic, or slutty. I actually looked nice -- In an inappropriate type of way.

I felt comfortable with them, really. I was kind of excited for this party they kept mentioning.

We all set off to the said party, looking like words I don't know. I didn't really know how to explain what we appeared to be.

But anyways, I promised to not drink. Not even a sip.


I broke my promise. I remember nothing from last night, not one thing. At least I'm home.... And alive. I say to myself. But where's Drew? That wasn't really my main concern at the moment, I didn't know what time it was. He could be at work for all I know.

My phone started to ring.


"Hello?" I ask. But I already know it's Vanessa.

"Hey, I have a question for you."

"What's your mothers name?"

"Mary." I say slowly. "Why?"

"Like, her full name."

"Marylin Rose Chance. Well, Nichols is her maiden name." I felt a shudder run through my spine as I said her name. "Vanessa what's going on?"

"Well her.... And your dad.... Well when I woke up this morning they broke the news to me."

"What news?"

"They eloped last night."

At that moment, Caroline started to wail.


How do you think Belle will react to the news?
What happened at the party?
Where's Drew?

Thanks for reading! ♥

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another Announcement

If you have read my last post, you would've noticed that I added a little question at the bottom. I am now doing "Reader Interactions" so you guys feel more involved with the story. They'll just be little questions about the post, in this case it was "What do you think happened?" I hope you guys like these ~

Also, I am now posting every Monday. If there is a post after today that is not on a Monday, I probably posted twice that week. I am on schedule. I feel like I have failed you guys, I've apologized too much. I don't want to lose you, I love all of you! Even though I don't show it very often.

I promise you guys that these will get better. I beg for forgiveness & your love.

See you on Monday! (Or later this week, if you're lucky.)

Taylor Lynn ♥

Chapter 8: A Bump in our Road

"Drew, honey?" I call from the kitchen. "Do you have Caroline?"

She has been non-stop crying since I woke up. But the house has become such a mess that I can't manage to exceed our daughters needs. She's much more work than Mitchell was; he barely cried, and when he did, it was just for a few minutes as most. Maybe it's a gender thing.

I listen as the crying dies down. "Thank you!"

I've spent my entire week dedicated to housework, but when Drew leaves for work Caroline is at her worst. I don't know how we're going to deal with her.

On the brightside, we can afford our bills. But just barely. Drew's on the verge of a promotion, though. Everything in the past while has just been a minor bump on our family road. I know it's cheesy, but who really cares? I can't be witty while exhausted.

She's beautiful, isn't she? Looks just like her father. But she's sassy. Which is obviously a trait from me. God, I can't get over how beautiful she is. It makes me wonder if she'll be like me when she's older, only taking upon the image of her father.

Caroline is not fond of walking. At all. She's taken a few steps, but she prefers crawling. Which I don't get, because toddlers love to walk around and get into stuff. But she's the complete opposite. Really, she's different. In a good way, at least.



The sound of my phone startled me.


Okay, okay. I'm coming. "Hello?"
"Belle?" It's Vanessa. "Belle is that you!? Oh my god something happened I just.... Oh my god.... I'm so scared."

"Vanessa? Are you okay? Slow down, tell me what happened."

"It -- It's -- I'll explain everything later. I'm at the hospital, please. Please come to the hospital. Something really bad has happened...."

"I'll be right there." Then I left the house.


Reader Interaction! (Because I'm so cool & stuff)

What do YOU think happened? Respond in the comments below. ~o~

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


As you may have noticed....

There is a new template.
I think I like this one better.
What do you think of it?

In other news....

Up above, you may have noticed new tabs.

Why, you ask?

Well. Recently I have been working on some pictures.
You could say it's a bit like a family tree. Click the tab
labeled "The Family" above. I may also work on a
family tree for you guys. (:

Oh, and just so you know....

I am working on Chapter 8. This one is very easy to take
pictures for, but there's a lot of waiting to do so. I do
appreciate your patience with this. I am hoping to
have it up this weekend. Thank you for reading my story. c:

One last thing....

I'd love it if you'd update my forum. It'd be nice to have
it near the top of this list. Just click here to do so.

Thank you.  I love all of my minions. ♥♥

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chapter 7: Dear Baby

I was oh so nervous. I mean, wouldn't you be? There I was: Infront of my dad's house about to have dinner with 2 of my siblings. Of which I've NEVER met before. My heart was going so fast; it was definitely the winner of this metaphorical race.

Vanessa looked exactly like her mother. It was crazy. And Seth was like a mixture of both. But this family was so.... together.

"Dad, Vanessa already ate all of her salad." Seth said. "Hey sis, I know you're thin but getting fat will just make you look worse."

"I object!" Vanessa threw her hand in the air. "You guys are just slow-eaters!"

My Father was the next one to speak. "Calm down, kids. Have some manners; we have a guest."

"First thing's first." Vanessa started. "What's your story?"

"My story?" I said between bites.

"Like.... Your life. The good part of it, anyway."

"Well I don't know where to start." I said. "I'm married, for one."

"Oh, how long?" Seth asked.

"Since I was 18." I sensed the awkwardness in the room. "Me and Drew have a beautiful son. We're also expecting."

Vanessa shot me a smile. "Why so young?"

"Ness, obviously they just thought it was time." Seth told her. "Oh wait, you don't know the feeling."

"Shut up, fat-face."

"Do you see how she speaks to me?"

I showed a nervous smile. "Well actually he got me pregnant the night we met. His mom organized an arranged marriage...." My face felt hot. I know I sounded crazy to them, but they wanted to know me, right?

"Nice goin'." Vanessa told me. "One night stands are always --"

"Vanessa." My dad said. She shot him a sad look.

Seth looked at me. "Don't feel awkward." He said. "Our sister is always this inappropriate."

"Ha ha." She was being sarcastic. "At least I can get laid...."

"I'm 15."

"I was 14 when I --"

"Vanessa!" My dad said again.

"Sorry, Dad. I didn't realize my sex-life wasn't very important."


Dear Baby,

While you were still in my tummy, we adopted a dog. But you know him as Howard. He's been there longer than you think, dear. He's very playful around you. You know that. But did you know he's also very protective of you? Ever since you were born he can't keep his eyes off of you. Not even for a second.

You're brother painted a lot during this pregnancy. You've seen the paintings in the hallway, haven't you? He did those especially for you. Mitchell was more than excited to have a baby sister. He still is. You probably don't hear this a lot, but he loves you. He really does.

I spent a lot of my time reading and preparing for you. Whenever I'd read something interesting, I'd say it aloud to you.

One day I read that baby's often move when they hear their mothers voice. So I set my book down and started to tell you how I excited I was to have you. I rubbed my tummy and there you were; moving around happily.

Daddy worked a lot during my pregnancy. He wanted to earn a lot of money so we could get you lots of toys and make you happy. We were all prepared to see you play and do all of your baby things.

You also loved to move around whenever somebody would rub my tummy. Daddy did it a lot; and when he was working I took his place. Mitchell would always come running to me after school and ask if he could listen to you and talk to you. This made you very happy.

One night, I thought you were just bouncing with glee. Which you probably were, Baby. Were you just excited to see us all for the first time? But you weren't just jumping; you wanted to make your way out. Yes, I was giving birth to you.

Daddy jumped out of bed and grabbed the keys. He guided me to the taxi outside and we were set for delivery. It hurt. It really did. Daddy was squeezing my hand and rubbing my tummy to make me feel a little better. We were both really nervous to see you. We've spent all of this 9 months playing and preparing for you, but when the time came we were very scared.

All of our fear turned into happiness when we first saw you. You were, and still are, a beautiful little girl. We promised each other we would never stop loving you.

My dear Caroline -- not Carol, but Caroline -- you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You look just like your father, you really do. If anything were to ever happen to you, my life would be over. Because I would have broken my promise to never let you lose your path. I love you, dear Caroline. I always will.

Love, Mommy.


Update my forum. c:<

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chapter 6: Drew's Confrontation

My dads words hit me hard. I just lie in bed all day with the lights off. I don't bother to do my hair or makeup; or even wear day-clothes. Drew's worried. He's scared. He doesn't tell me, but I can see it.

I haven't spoken much since my father's "encounter." It hurts to think that he never bothered to call and say "Hey I got Ella pregnant." or "You're going to be a sister!" Or even most importantly: "Ella's dead. So I'm coming to see you and try to get back together with your mom because I'm a selfish man-whore."

My piano was my new best friend. Or my only friend, in other words. Drew always asked me if I wanted to talk but he never asked why I was being so emotional and silent. He still cuddles me when I sleep; he pets my hair and tells me everything's going to be okay. He doesn't even know why I'm like this.

To top this all off: I'm pregnant.

I was checking the mail one day and felt the familiar morning sickness. Later that day my pee-stick had a little pink plus-sign.

A selfish dad, a husband I'm barely talking to, and a baby growing inside of me. My life is just awesome.


"Belle, honey...." Drew tells me. "How are you feeling? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Drew I don't think I --" My voice cracked.

"You don't have to. But I'm here whenever you need to."

"Why aren't you so eager to know?" This question had been in my mind since I first came home from seeing my "dad." He never directly asked me.

He thought for a minute. "Because I love you. And I shouldn't push you to tell me; you should just tell me when you want to."

I want to tell him. I really do. I just don't want him to see me cry.

I figured I should. I can't hide this from him. "My -- My dad came to visit me." I could feel my throat swell up.

He had a moment of silence. "Oh...." Drew had the weirdest look in his eyes. I don't know how to explain it.

"He told me a -- about --" I paused for a moment. I felt as if my ability to talk disappeared.

He waited for me.

"Drew he had a kid with Ella a -- and --" I choked on my tears. "She already had a kid and Ella died while driving drunk and her daughter --"

"I understand." He said. "It's going to be okay."

"He's going to try to get back together with my mom."

"Honey you'll be fine." He comforted me. "You have me and a beautiful son. You can't let this have a huge impact on your life."

I looked into his eyes. "Actually.... We don't just have one child."

"What?" Then I saw his eyes widen in excitement. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, Drew." I told him. "I figured out a few days ago." I smiled. I smiled.

"Belle that's great!" He was beyond excited. It was like this whole thing never happened.

I loved this feeling.


Later that night I looked into the mirror. Drew was right; this impacted me too much. I didn't look recognizable anymore.

I was changing; so was my life.

Then something struck me: I can't just ignore my siblings. I have to meet them. I can't be the sister who never talks to the "family."

I was going to meet Vanessa and Seth. Soon.


Update my forum. I demand it. c:<

Clickity Click Click.