Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The End.

This legacy.... It's just not working for me. I mean, I love Belle & Drew & everybody else. But it's not really "working." This is the end of An Enemy of Love. It just doesn't suit me anymore & I don't like where the story is heading. I might do another legacy ot Sims story in the near future, so don't unfollow this blog. Once -- or if I do, I will post the link on this page. I'm so sorry. I love each & every one of you. Sorry for failing you. This is the end of An Enemy of Love. Goodbye. <3


  1. Aww... okay... :(

    Maybe, if you wanted to do another legacy, you could add a variation to it? Like a musicacy or a novelcy? Maybe a rainbowcy? I don't know. I'm reading a story that's both a musicacy and a rainbowcy. :)

    1. Actually... you could just look at this list because there's plenty of ideas.

